Press release
Number of shares and votes in Oncopeptides
STOCKHOLM — September 29, 2023 — Oncopeptides AB (publ), a biotech company focused on difficult-to-treat cancers, today announces that the number of shares and votes in Oncopeptides has changed due to exercise of warrants under the company´s incentive program. Through the exercise of the warrants the number of outstanding shares and votes has increased by 70,967 from 94,529,110 to 94,600,077. The share capital has increased with SEK 7,886 from SEK 10,503,235 to SEK 10,511,120.
As of today, the total number of outstanding shares in Oncopeptides amounts to 94,600,077 shares, of which 90,439,627 are ordinary shares and 4,160,450 are class C shares. The number of votes in Oncopeptides as of today amounts to 90,855,672.