Governance structure
Oncopeptides’ corporate governance has, prior to the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, been governed by the Swedish Companies Act (Sw. aktiebolagslagen (2005:551)), the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (Sw. årsredovisningslagen (1995:1554)) and other applicable laws and regulations, the Company’s articles of association and internal policy documents.
The internal policy documents include first and foremost the rules of procedure for the board of directors, instructions for the CEO and instructions for financial reporting.
Furthermore, Oncopeptides has a number of policy documents and manuals containing rules and recommendations providing guidance in the Company’s business operations and for its employees. Following the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, corporate governance is also based on Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”), good practices in the stock market and other applicable rules and recommendations. Companies obliged to apply the Code are not required to comply with every rule in the Code at all times. If the Company finds that a certain rule is inappropriate with respect to the Company’s specific circumstances, the Company may choose an alternative solution, provided that the Company clearly describes the deviation and the alternative solution as well as provides the reasons for the choice of the alternative solution (all in accordance with the principle of “comply or explain”). Oncopeptides intends to apply the Code without any deviation from the date on which the Company’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
The figure below provides an overview of Oncopeptides’ corporate governance structure.