Board of Directors

After the general meeting, the board of directors is the Company’s highest decision-making body. The board of directors shall be responsible for the organization and management of the Company’s affairs, for example by establishing targets and strategies, securing procedures and systems for monitoring of set targets, continuously assess the Company’s financial position and evaluate the operational management.

Portrait of Per Wold-Olsen

Per Wold-Olsen, MBA


Per Wold-Olsen was appointed as Chairman of the Board in 2018.

Per has an extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has held many different positions within Merck & Co Inc. He served on Merck’s management team between 1994-2006. Since 2006 he has served on several boards in the life science sector including Lundbeck, Pharmaset, Royal Dutch Numico, Amarin and GN Store Nord.

Per holds a MBA in Economics and Administration from Handelshøyskolen BI and a MBA in Management and Marketing from the University of Wisconsin.

Born: 1947

Board Committees: Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit and Nomination Committee

Holdings in Oncopeptides: 1,016,796 shares, 256,638 Share Awards** and 17,226 Options**

Other current positions: Board member of Forefront Capital Partners.

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Portrait of Brian Stuglik

Brian Stuglik, B.Pharm

Board member

Brian Stuglik was appointed to the Board of Oncopeptides 2018.

Brian has a long and broad experience from the pharmaceutical industry. He has spent 30 years in different positions within Eli Lilly, including American as well as global roles and responsibilities. Over the past 25 years, his work has been focused on product strategy and commercialization for oncology products.

Brian holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Purdue University, US.

Born: 1959

Board Committees: Member of the Remuneration Committee and the Scientific Committee

Holdings in Oncopeptides: 145,947 Share Awards** and 6,893 Options**

Other current positions: CEO of Verastem Inc., Board Member of Puma Biotechnology; Founder of Proventus Health Solutions LLC. Member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Association for Cancer Research and the International Association for Lung Cancer Studies.

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Portrait of Cecilia Daun Wennborg

Cecilia Daun Wennborg, MSc

Board member

Cecilia Daun Wennborg was appointed to the board of Oncopeptides in 2017.

Cecilia has 20 years of experience from board positions in listed companies and from operational positions in the insurance, bank, care and healthcare sectors, inter alia as CFO and CEO of Skandia Link, Head of Skandia Sverige, CFO of Carema Vård & Omsorg AB and Ambea AB, CEO of Carema Vård & Omsorg AB and deputy CEO of Ambea AB.

Cecilia holds a Bachelor in Economics from Stockholm University.

Born: 1963

Board Committees: Chairman of the Audit Committee

Holdings in Oncopeptides: 70,824 shares, 102,655 Share Awards** and 6,893 Options**

Other current assignments: Board Member of Getinge AB, Bravida Holding AB, Loomis AB, Atvexa AB, Insamlingsstiftelsen Oxfam Sverige, Hotel Diplomat AB and CDW Konsult AB. Member of the Swedish Securities Council.

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Portrait of Jarl Ulf Jungnelius

Jarl Ulf Jungnelius, MD, PhD

Board member

Jarl Ulf Jungnelius was appointed to the board of Oncopeptides in 2011.

Ulf is a licensed medical practitioner and a specialist in several areas, including oncology. He has published several scientific articles and has more than 25 years of experience from leadership positions in both large academic and corporate institutions.

He has been instrumental in the development and registration of gemcitabine (Gemzar), premetrexed (Alimta), Sunitinib (Sutent), lenalidomide (Revlimid) and the albumin bound nanoparticle paclitaxel (Abraxane).

Born: 1951

Board Committees: Member of the Scientific Committee

Holdings in Oncopeptides: 101,042 shares and 102,655 Share Awards** and 6,894 Options**

Other current positions: CEO of CarpoNovum Clinics AB. Senior oncology advisor for NOXXON Pharma. Board member of Biovica International AB, Ryvu Therapeutics, HealthCom GmbH and CarpoNovum Clinics AB.

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Portrait of Jennifer Jackson

Jennifer Jackson, PhD

Board member

Jennifer Jackson was appointed to the board of Oncopeptides in 2018.

Jennifer has more than thirty years of experience in global clinical development and market registration of small molecules and biologics across multiple therapeutic areas including oncology. Most recently she was Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance and a member of the executive leadership team at Tesaro. Prior to that Jennifer has had several senior roles at Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Biogen, Vertex and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Jennifer earned her Ph.D. in Genetics at Cornell University and did her postdoctoral work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Born: 1953

Board Committees: Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Holdings in Oncopeptides: 102,655 Share Awards** and 6,894 Options**

Other current positions: –

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Portrait of Per Samuelsson

Per Samuelsson, MSc

Board member

Per Samuelsson was appointed to the board of Oncopeptides in 2012.

Per is a partner at HealthCap, a life sciences venture capital business.

Per has 22 years of experience from investing venture capital in the life science sector. Before that, Per gained over 15 years of investment banking experience, mainly with Aros Securities based in Sweden. At Aros Securities he held several roles including being a Director in the corporate finance department where he specialized in merger transactions, initial public offerings and equity incentive programs. Per also held the role of Head of Research at Aros Securities.

Per holds an MSc in Engineering from the Institute of Technology in Linköping, Sweden.

Born: 1961

Board Committees: Member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee

Holdings in Oncopeptides: –

Other current positions: Board Member of Ariceum Therapeutics GmbH, Cantando AB, Cantando Holding AB, HealthCap AB, HealthCap Annex Fund I-II GP AB, Pretzel Therapeutics, Inc., Skipjack AB.

Independent in relation to the Company and its senior management, but not in relation to major shareholders. Partner in HealthCap and holder of directorships in several companies within the HealthCap Group.

* Each employee option entitles the holder to acquire 900 shares per option in the company.

** One share award or one option entitles to 1,28 shares in accordance with existing terms.

For more information and terms please read under Corporate Governance – Remuneration.

Holdings in Oncopeptides AB (publ) as of June 28, 2024.